You'd be shocked to hear the bride and groom brought who along on their honeymoon? |
100 |
Name something an elf might get teased about that hurts his feelings. |
100 |
There's nothing better than a big, juicy what? |
100 |
We asked 100 married men... |
100 |
We asked 100 single men... |
100 |
What holiday probably leads to the most hangovers? |
99 |
Bertha's family was so awful that at her funeral, they stole what right off her body? |
99 |
What do you think of when you hear the word "bud"? |
99 |
Bob told his ex-wife, "When we had sex, I pretended I was making love to your" who? |
99 |
We asked 100 married men... |
99 |
When an 80-year-old male stripper hears "Take it off! Take it off," besides clothing, what might he take off? |
99 |
We asked 100 men... |
99 |
Name a famous mouse that an exterminator would hate to discover he just terminated. |
98 |
An angry wife might clean the toilet with her cheating husband's what? |
98 |
You hope the person above you on a Ferris wheel doesn't do what? |
98 |
We asked 100 men... |
98 |
You think dog owners are too close to their dogs when they let them do what? |
98 |
We asked 100 women... |
98 |
Name a sea creature that would be finding Nemo and then eating Nemo. |
97 |
Name a place that's not bad to be caught with your pants down. |
97 |
Your lover is dieting. Name a low-calorie food you might make your edible underwear out of. |
97 |
Name a complaint a woman might have about her man's tighty-whities. |
97 |
If insects ruled the world, name a way we kill them they might kill us. |
97 |
Name someone Cinderella probably discusses with her therapist. |
97 |
We asked 100 women... |
97 |
Name something that's fun to bounce on when you're young but dangerous if you're old. |
96 |
We asked 100 married men... |
96 |
Name something a magician hopes the rabbit in his hat doesn't do. |
95 |
A doctor would be stunned if a baby did what the moment it was born? |
95 |
Name something a stand-up comedian never wants to have an audience do. |
95 |
Name something you might put in your mouth when you're nervous. |
94 |
Name the very worst occasion to get dumped. |
93 |
Fill in the blank: The baker told his date, "I'm a baker, so I know how to ______ your buns." |
91 |
Grandma was so sick of grandpa that she rolled him and his wheelchair right into what? |
91 |
We asked 100 men... |
91 |
We asked 100 women... |
89 |
Name something that can only stretch so far. |
89 |
We asked 100 married men... |
89 |
Real or fictional, name a famous Harry. |
87 |
If a deli owner got married, instead of confetti, the guests might throw what? |
87 |
Name a state that might also be a woman's first name. |
85 |
Name something a kid might put under his pillow to try to trick the Tooth Fairy into thinking it's his tooth. |
82 |
If People magazine had a "Sexiest Bald Man Alive" issue, who would be on the cover? |
81 |
Fill in the blank: Ray ______. |
81 |
Name a place where we might see you flat on your back. |
80 |
Name something you might ride on standing up. |
79 |
Name something a woman might find if she ran her fingers through a magician's hair. |
78 |
Name something of yours that, for you, was love at first sight. |
78 |
Name a kitchen tool you can use in the kitchen and the bedroom. |
77 |
Name a phony excuse people give when they don't want to talk to you on the phone. |
76 |
Give me an S word you like being called. |
75 |
Past or present, name a game show host with the best hair... sorry, Steve. |
73 |
Name something that's better to do slow than fast. |
72 |
Fill in the blank: Bob was so bald, he used the hair from his ______ as a comb-over. |
71 |
Name a musical instrument that you'd be surprised to see a cowboy playing around the campfire. |
70 |
Name something that's black and shiny. |
69 |
Name a place a person with hemorrhoids prays has soft seats. |
69 |
Name something that's hard to stay up on. |
68 |
Tell me a kind of bed it would be really uncomfortable to make love in. |
67 |
Name someone who is more popular dead than when they were alive. |
66 |
Name something grandma says that grandpa does just like an old dog. |
65 |
Name a rich comedian who laughs all the way to the bank. |
64 |
In a world filled with many famous Chrises, who's your favorite? |
63 |
Name a place people avoid making eye contact. |
61 |
Name a bad habit that keeps you from being perfect. |
61 |
Name a question you ask a first date that's a good conversation starter. |
59 |
Name something you've stopped caring about. |
57 |
Name something newlyweds get that starts with the letter C. |
57 |
If Steve Harvey wasn't married, what female celebrity would you match him up with? |
56 |
Name a city you'd want to live in if you had a lot of money. |
56 |
It's Steve Harvey's birthday. What did his wife give him? |
55 |
Fill in the blank: Magic ______. |
51 |