Name something you do right before you step onto the bathroom scale. |
100 |
We asked 100 women... |
100 |
Name a part of your body you'd be shocked your doctor got his finger stuck in. |
100 |
If a man dared, he might ask his wife to change what specific thing about her appearance? |
100 |
We asked 100 single men... |
99 |
Name something about Mr. Peanut that Mrs. Peanut says is sexy. |
99 |
Name something a caveman might throw at a dinosaur that's chasing him. |
99 |
Fill in the blank: Sure, it's hell, but at least every party you go to there has ______. |
99 |
We asked 100 men... |
99 |
We asked 100 men... |
99 |
Name something Snow White and Vanna White have in common. |
98 |
Name something you just love to put on your body. |
98 |
A vampire actor demands to have what in his dressing room? |
98 |
We asked 100 married people... |
98 |
Steve Harvey said, "My Aunt Agnes is so ungrateful, I gave her my Emmy Award and she said, 'I wish it was'" what? |
98 |
When a girl meets her boyfriend's parents, what would she be wearing that makes dad smile and mom frown? |
98 |
We asked 100 married men... |
98 |
Name one thing a mortician might do if a body is too big for the coffin. |
98 |
You might start having second thoughts about going on a cruise if they told you to bring your own what? |
98 |
We asked 100 married women... |
98 |
We asked 100 women... |
98 |
Name something you'd have to get used to if you were a bee. |
98 |
We asked 100 men... |
98 |
Name something that might be checkered. |
98 |
Name something specific a man might do if his female blind date had a mustache like Steve Harvey's. |
97 |
At the mermaid beauty pageant, contestants are judged on their what? |
97 |
Name a place a single woman goes that a mom with kids wishes she could go. |
97 |
Name something you'd buy for protection if Count Dracula moved in next door. |
97 |
Name a place you hope the baby sitting near you doesn't have a loaded diaper. |
97 |
Name a part of your body that makes a lot of noise. |
97 |
Name something on a man's face a woman might avoid when kissing it. |
97 |
Using one specific word, give me a sound a bird makes. |
97 |
Tell me something your mother is happy she doesn't have to do for you anymore. |
97 |
Name something about a female horse that makes a male horse hot to trot. |
97 |
Name something that turns a kiss into a great kiss. |
97 |
Name something you should probably warn a date about before bringing them home. |
97 |
Name something on a park playground that might be fun to make love on. |
97 |
Fill in the blank: My ______ died and I need a new one. |
97 |
We asked 100 women... |
97 |
We asked 100 married men... |
97 |
Fill in the blank: Adam said to Eve, "Hey, did you ______ my fig leaf?" |
97 |
Fill in the blank: I'd hate for an elephant to ______ me. |
97 |
A man would suspect his wife cheated if their son was the spitting image of who? |
97 |
We asked 100 single women... |
97 |
We asked 100 men... |
97 |
If a man gets kicked in his babymaker, what might he have a hard time doing for a while? |
97 |
Name a reason you might marry someone even if you're not physically attracted to them. |
96 |
We asked 100 women... |
96 |
We asked 100 women... |
96 |
We asked 100 women... |
96 |
If you were Pinocchio, name a part of your body you'd pay a carpenter to make smaller. |
96 |
Name an outdoor activity that a nudist would tell you is more enjoyable to do in the nude. |
96 |
What might you put on your porch to keep kids away on Halloween? |
96 |
Name something a parrot might say that would make you think his last owner was a police officer. |
96 |
We asked 100 men... |
96 |
We asked 100 married men... |
96 |
We asked 100 divorced women... |
96 |
You're in a public bathroom and you discover too late that there's no toilet paper. What do you do? |
96 |
Name something a man might do if he got an invitation to his ex-wife's wedding. |
96 |
We asked 100 married men... |
96 |
We asked 100 men... |
96 |
A mother knows it's time to stop breastfeeding when her child does what? |
95 |
Name something grandma shakes on the dance floor when her song comes on. |
95 |
Susan divorced her husband after seeing him French-kissing who in their wedding video? |
95 |
She's living with seven dwarfs, so name something Snow White probably buys in bulk. |
95 |
Name something people keep on their desk that can double as a murder weapon. |
95 |
Name something Mickey Mouse has that Minnie Mouse should get half of if they break up. |
95 |
We asked 100 married women... |
95 |
Name something a caveman did in his cave when it was raining outside. |
95 |
We asked 100 single women... |
95 |
Now that Barbie is a senior citizen, what accessory might she come with? |
94 |
Name a food that pairs well with love. |
94 |
Fill in the blank: I can't ______ straight. |
94 |
Fill in the blank: A bull might look at a cow and think, "She has the sexiest ______." |
94 |
A married woman might say, "Love at first sight does exist. I fell in love with my husband when I saw his" what? |
94 |
If a guy had a single hair left on his bald head, name something he might do to it. |
94 |
The Kardashians could sell one of their many what if they went broke? |
94 |
We asked 100 women... |
94 |
A boss without boundaries calls you when you're doing what? |
94 |
Name something you'd put in a fanny pack that a nudist might pack in his fanny. |
94 |
Name something hillbillies might be holding in their engagement photos. |
94 |
Name something you might wake up to that can make you think you've been transported to Oz. |
94 |
Name something of your roommate's that stinks up the house. |
93 |
When you get to heaven, what do you want to see when you pass through the Pearly Gates? |
93 |
Because it's hell, whenever you go on a blind date there, your blind date always turns out to be who? |
93 |
Name a reason a man might want his girlfriend to bring her mother along on a date. |
93 |
You'd do anything for your best friend. But you wouldn't do what? |
93 |
Name a part of you a snake would bite that you couldn't suck out the venom yourself. |
93 |
We asked 100 married women... |
93 |
We asked 100 dads... |
93 |
We asked 100 married men... |
93 |
Name a place that always has a long bathroom line. |
93 |
We asked 100 men... |
93 |
We asked 100 women... |
93 |
Tell me something that Steve Harvey's Aunt Agnes probably keeps in her bra. |
92 |
Name something grandpa says goes too darn fast. |
92 |
We asked 100 women... |
92 |
Name something a man might do if he saw his wife digging a six-foot-deep hole in the yard. |
92 |
Tell me something that once you've done it, you never forget how. |
92 |
Fill in the blank: They nicknamed Bob "the Grinch" because his ______ is two sizes too small. |
92 |
Fill in the blank: If you could choose how you die, you'd die ______ing. |
92 |
What might a wife ask a deliveryperson to deliver to her cheating spouse? |
92 |
Fill in the blank: If there were a Ten Commandments of marriage, one would be "Thou shall not ______." |
92 |
Name something a shy guy might take to a nude beach to hold in front of himself. |
92 |
We asked 100 women... |
92 |
Women love the male stripper Cowboy Carl because he lets them touch his what? |
92 |
Name a reason you might suspect that your new home was once a funeral home. |
92 |
We asked 100 married women... |
92 |
We asked 100 married women... |
92 |
We asked 100 married men... |
92 |
If Steve Harvey were wearing "Family Feud" underwear, they might have pictures of little whats on them? |
92 |
Name a fruit or vegetable a farmer grows that he might say reminds him of his wife's bottom. |
92 |
Name something it gets harder to do after you're the ripe old age of 40. |
91 |
Name something from the kitchen that lovers might bring into the bedroom. |
91 |
Fill in the blank: That person is as thin as a ______. |
91 |
Name something a person running barefoot at the beach would hate to step on. |
91 |
Most wives are psychic because they know when their husband is doing what? |
91 |
Name something a woman hopes is in her room when she checks into the Heartbreak Hotel. |
91 |
Name something a man wears because he thinks it makes him look like a tough guy. |
91 |
Fill in the blank: Becky intimidated men because she had a big what? |
91 |
When Steve Harvey counts his blessings, name one that he'd be sure to include. |
91 |
We asked 100 married women... |
90 |
A dentist might pull your tooth. An immature dentist might pull your what? |
90 |
Name something you shouldn't do during your court trial. |
90 |
Name something a caveman might give his cavewoman for her birthday. |
90 |
Name a reason a man might tell his wife that he's not in the mood. |
90 |
Name something Pinocchio has nightmares about someone doing to him. |
89 |
Name an excuse you give a cop for why you can't go to jail. |
89 |
Name something in a sporting goods store that a clerk might hit a shoplifter with. |
89 |
At holiday dinners, tell me why you don't want to sit next to grandpa. |
89 |
Name a food starting with C that you can hand-feed your lover. |
89 |
When a cheating husband is cremated, what might his wife throw in to burn with him? |
89 |
A single guy is hitting on girls at the bar on Saturday night. What is a married man doing? |
89 |
Because it's hell, tell me something about all the beds there that make them hellish. |
89 |
Name something a man might ask his wife to tie up. |
89 |
If a stoner ran out of pot and smoked catnip, name something he might do just like a cat. |
89 |
If you were in a rich guy's will, what dangerous activity might you invite him to do with you? |
88 |
Name something every game show host needs to have. |
88 |
It's a red flag if a man says he has a close relationship with who? |
88 |
Name something you don't want to find out that grandma does on the weekends with her friends. |
88 |
Name something a man will do around his wife but not his mother. |
88 |
Name something on a dog that you wouldn't want on you. |
88 |
Name something a pirate might be doing when he tells his parrot, "Shut your eyes -- I don't want you to see this." |
88 |
If it had a great coach, name a sport that an octopus might become unbeatable at. |
88 |
Name something you pretend to be doing when you don't want to talk to someone. |
88 |
We asked 100 women... |
88 |
A wife might call herself a lady in waiting because she's always waiting for her husband to do what? |
87 |
Fill in the blank: A party is not a wild party until someone ______s. |
87 |
At a funeral, name something inappropriate a person might do at their lover's casket. |
87 |
Fill in the blank: If women ran the IRS, men would be taxed every time they ______ed. |
87 |
Name an animal with a really big mouth. |
86 |
In hell, when the dentist is taking out your tooth, they use what? |
86 |
Kids avoid the deli owner's house on Halloween because he puts scoops of what in their bag? |
86 |
Name something that you did more of than other kids in kindergarten. |
86 |
You'd be shocked if you got an obscene phone call and the caller ID said it's from your who? |
86 |
The Big Bad Wolf was surprised to discover that Little Red Riding Hood had a really big what? |
86 |
Name something even a tough guy might admit he's afraid of. |
85 |
Name something twin cowboys might share. |
85 |
Fill in the blank: A man never wants to hear his wife say, "I'm ______." |
85 |
Name something a waitress might do if Steve Harvey tipped her $500. |
85 |
Real men don't use toilet paper. They use what? |
85 |
Name the worst place to go looking for love. |
84 |
Fill in the blank: I always wondered what it would be like to ______ naked. |
84 |
Name something the Bad Tooth Fairy might leave in exchange for a tooth. |
84 |
Fill in the blank: My nose is ______. |
83 |
Name a Disney movie that makes adults cry like babies. |
82 |
We asked 100 women... |
82 |
Name a kind of bug a nudist lives in fear of crawling on his bottom. |
82 |
Name someone you'd hate to run into while you were out jogging naked through the neighborhood. |
82 |
Things got wild at the nursing home party when Nurse Linda showed up with what? |
81 |
Name something that never lasts as long as you want it to. |
81 |
Name someone you'd be surprised to find out isn't wearing any underwear. |
81 |
We asked 100 women... |
81 |
In a "Naked Women of Nursing Homes" calendar, what might Miss July be holding? |
80 |
Name an occupation that you might be embarrassed to admit you paid for their service. |
79 |
Name a reason you might have a hot bottom. |
79 |
Name something that you do that your mother wouldn't approve of if she knew you did it. |
78 |
We asked 100 women... |
78 |
Name a big bird that would not fit into the average birdcage. |
78 |
Fill in the blank: I want to ______ Steve Harvey. |
74 |
Name a food a sword swallower could shove right down their throat. |
74 |
Name something old that you love. |
72 |
Name an occupation in which you'd trust a woman more than a man. |
70 |
Name an S word that describes the underwear you have on right now. |
63 |
If you really could be bored to death, name a place where you might die. |
63 |
You love the smell of what? |
62 |
Name an occupation where you use your arms a lot. |
62 |
Name something about you that a friend criticizes one too many times that you dump them. |
62 |
Name something specific you'd be shocked to see everybody wearing when you get to heaven. |
61 |
Name a living comedian who's smart enough to be president. |
57 |
Name something in your home that isn't working. |
52 |