We asked 100 women... |
100 |
We asked 100 married men... |
100 |
We asked 100 married women... |
100 |
Name something about Mickey Mouse that Minnie Mouse thinks is hot. |
99 |
If a woman had a clown fetish, what about a clown might she say really turns her on? |
99 |
Miss Piggy aside, name a reason Kermit the Frog might say female pigs are sexier than female frogs. |
99 |
If a bald guy were really into baldness, he might also shave the hair off his what? |
99 |
Name something your body might do while laughing uncontrollably. |
99 |
We asked 100 women... |
99 |
Name something you hope they don't reuse in the doctor's office. |
99 |
We asked 100 men... |
99 |
Name something about Ronald McDonald that a woman might find sexy. |
99 |
Fill in the blank: A wife might call her husband "baby," but only because he ______s like a baby. |
98 |
A man wants a woman's phone number. Name a number of his that she might want to know. |
98 |
You've got a hot date. You've also got a huge pimple on your nose. Tell me what you do. |
98 |
Your young kids just discovered your stash of weed. What do you tell them it is? |
98 |
Bob's back hair was so thick, his wife used what garden tool to groom it? |
98 |
You're driving around nude for fun and your car breaks down. Who do you call? |
98 |
During a Zoom meeting, you'd mute yourself so you can do what? |
98 |
Name someone you visit who you hope doesn't answer the door naked. |
98 |
During his act, Bob the stripping baker invites the ladies to put what on his buns? |
98 |
We asked 100 men... |
98 |
We asked 100 men... |
98 |
We asked 100 married women... |
98 |
We asked 100 married women... |
98 |
We asked 100 women... |
98 |
Who does a married man claim his mistress is when he's caught out in public with her? |
98 |
We asked 100 single women... |
98 |
We asked 100 men... |
98 |
Name something a bad singer might see the audience do while they're singing. |
98 |
What do people do around a campfire that you'd be surprised to see firemen do at a house fire? |
97 |
Name an animal with a longer tongue than yours. |
97 |
Name something a wife might do if her husband named his new boat after his ex-wife. |
97 |
We asked 100 married women... |
97 |
A woman would hate to hear her new boyfriend does what in the shower? |
97 |
Mrs. Peanut traded up. She dumped Mr. Peanut and she started dating Mr. what kind of nut? |
97 |
We asked 100 men... |
97 |
We asked 100 men... |
97 |
Name something that unfortunately does not stay in Vegas but might follow you home. |
97 |
We asked 100 men... |
97 |
Name something that happens to a man that his ex-wife might say he had it coming. |
97 |
We asked 100 married women... |
97 |
We asked 100 married men... |
97 |
Name a subtle signal you send your date so they kiss you. |
97 |
Grandpa got confused and stuck his hearing aid in his what? |
96 |
You know you shouldn't, but name someone you have sexy dreams about. |
96 |
Name something music puts you in the mood to do. |
96 |
Name something you'd be surprised a doctor did to your bottom during a routine exam. |
96 |
Name something specific you only do during a kiss if it's a passionate kiss. |
96 |
Name something that's hard for a man to admit he's not very good at. |
96 |
Grandpa suspected grandma was having an affair when he found another guy's false teeth where? |
96 |
What might a wife do if her husband said, "Yes, that dress does make you look fat"? |
96 |
Your mom just posted a topless photo on Instagram. What do you do? |
96 |
We asked 100 married men... |
96 |
Name a way a woman flirts with a man at a bar. |
96 |
If you're invited to a really cheap funeral, you might be asked to bring your own what? |
96 |
Name something people lose on a roller coaster that you might find on the ground below. |
96 |
If Peter Pan ever gets married, what will his wife get tired of him talking about? |
96 |
Name a chore you might be surprised Steve Harvey does around the house. |
96 |
Name something of Santa's that an elf might get caught using. |
95 |
If I don't win money on "Family Feud," I hope at least I do what? |
95 |
Name something some people do with their eyes open that others do with their eyes closed. |
95 |
Name a bakery item a baker might stuff in her bra before a date to give herself bigger cleavage. |
95 |
Name a kind of job where you might be cheered or booed by crowds. |
95 |
Name something a man has that he might pump up. |
95 |
What might a wife buy two of at a pet store -- one for the dog and one for her husband? |
95 |
The magician's rabbit said, "I don't mind when he pulls me out of his hat, but I hate it when he pulls me out of his ______." |
95 |
Name something lovers have within reach when taking a bath together. |
95 |
Name something new a woman might get within days of her divorce being final. |
95 |
Name something a sword swallower would hate to do in the middle of their act. |
95 |
Name a complaint a firefighter might have about his hose. |
95 |
Good news: the party last night was epic. Bad news: this morning, there was what in your swimming pool? |
95 |
Name a reason a woman might say she thinks farmers are sexy. |
95 |
We asked 100 women... |
94 |
Name something you'd be shocked your boss gave you for your birthday. |
94 |
Name something of his wife's a man might try on just to see how he looks in it. |
94 |
Sally said, "It was so embarrassing. My husband was laying out at the nude beach and someone mistook him for a" what? |
94 |
Name something a broke cowboy might ride if he couldn't afford a horse. |
94 |
Name someone you kissed and then regretted it. |
94 |
We asked 100 women... |
94 |
We asked 100 women... |
94 |
Name something men do shirtless that they wish women would, too. |
94 |
Name a bad occasion to yawn very loudly. |
94 |
Bob walked out of the bathroom and exclaimed, "Uh-oh -- I forgot to" what? |
94 |
We asked 100 men... |
94 |
We asked 100 married women... |
94 |
When there's a serious toilet paper shortage, name something you might have to use instead. |
94 |
Name a reason you don't swim in the nude. |
94 |
Name something special you might buy for a night of lovemaking. |
94 |
Name something Miss Nude America contestants might model instead of swimsuits. |
94 |
Name a place you might choose to have a bridal shower for a 100-year-old bride. |
93 |
Tell me another way people say "prison." |
93 |
We asked 100 women... |
93 |
Name something a woman might do if her church got a sexy new preacher. |
93 |
What would you do if a bear started following you in the woods? |
93 |
Name something Marjorie Harvey likes to put on Steve's bald head. |
93 |
When cows get together, name something they probably complain about. |
93 |
If a funeral home lost the deceased's body, what might they put in the closed casket instead? |
93 |
We asked 100 women... |
93 |
We asked 100 women... |
93 |
Name a musical instrument that an insecure man might hide in his underpants to look more endowed. |
92 |
Name something a wife wants to know about her ex-husband that starts with "Is he" what? |
92 |
Fill in the blank: A little kid might ask a stranger, "Why are you so ______?" |
92 |
Name something other than chicken that they make nuggets out of at the Roadkill Café. |
92 |
Susan's plastic surgery went all wrong, and now her eyes are where? |
92 |
Name something that might physically happen to your body when you're scared. |
92 |
If Steve Harvey had hair, what style would you be surprised he wore it in? |
92 |
Fill in the blank: Maybe some people dig it, but I would never want to ______ in the nude. |
91 |
Name something a wife might playfully smack her husband with in the bedroom. |
91 |
Tell me something about a man that might remind you of Dr. Frankenstein's monster. |
91 |
Name a pizza topping that would make a good stripper name. |
91 |
Name something you'd hate to come outside and find on your car. |
91 |
Name something a man would hate to have happen as he was proposing to his girlfriend. |
91 |
As painful as it sounds, Bob, the nude athlete, uses his package to play what sport? |
91 |
Name something you might do if you forgot to put on deodorant for the day. |
91 |
We asked 100 women... |
91 |
We asked 100 women... |
91 |
Name a person you might be secretly attracted to. |
90 |
Name something a woman might do if her husband ditched her on their honeymoon. |
90 |
Name something you wish you could tell your ex you miss about them. |
90 |
Marian the librarian shocked everyone when she wore what to work? |
90 |
Name a kind of plastic surgery you'd be surprised Steve Harvey just had done. |
90 |
I bet you speak some Spanish. Give me one word in Spanish that everybody knows. |
89 |
What might make a lady frog fall in love with a bullfrog? |
89 |
Name something your boss would be surprised you did while he's yelling at you. |
89 |
Fill in the blank: My perfect mate wouldn't ______ too much. |
89 |
We asked 100 men... |
89 |
Name something you go up and down on. |
89 |
Name a tall guy whose nickname should be "Mount Baldy." |
89 |
Name an animal that would creep you out if it stuck its tongue down your throat. |
89 |
Name something you might see coming out of a hole. |
89 |
Give me another word for a person's bottom. |
88 |
Tell me something you'd sell today if you were offered a million dollars for it. |
88 |
Name a hole where only an idiot would stick a firecracker. |
88 |
Name an animal a nearsighted dogcatcher might mistake for a dog. |
88 |
I won't be using that housesitter again -- not after they did what? |
88 |
Name something in your dreams that you might be riding on naked. |
87 |
Name something a husband lives in fear that his wife will ask him for. |
87 |
Name something grandpa might start doing that could make grandma suspect he has a secret lover. |
87 |
Fill in the blank: A pirate might say in his online dating profile, "I'm looking for that special woman who knows how to ______." |
87 |
You might want to learn magic just so you can make who disappear? |
87 |
Name something grandpa wants to know about a woman before he dates her. |
86 |
Farmer Bob got drunk and attached the automatic milking machine to what? |
86 |
Name the first thing grandpa did when grandma told him she was pregnant. |
85 |
Name something you'd find in the world's worst gas station bathroom. |
85 |
Name someone you'd be shocked to hear say to you, "Let's get naked." |
85 |
Tell me a place you see people behaving badly. |
84 |
Name something that you hope Bad Grandpa doesn't do at your birthday party. |
84 |
Because it's hell, there's no toilet paper there. Instead, everyone uses what? |
84 |
Name the most embarrassing public place to throw up. |
84 |
Name an S word grandpa might use to describe grandma's bottom. |
84 |
Name something a male stripper called the Pool Boy might be holding onstage. |
83 |
Nothing says "I love you" like what? |
83 |
To save money, what do you worry your family might bury you in instead of a casket? |
82 |
Name something you might find in your rental car that would make you suspect the last person who rented it was Santa Claus. |
82 |
What might a guy with man boobs have in his cleavage? |
81 |
Tell me a place Bad Grandma got banned from. |
80 |
Name something a vampire hopes a person doesn't do while he's biting their neck. |
78 |
Name something most husbands wear but wouldn't wear unless their wives forced them to. |
76 |
Tell me the greatest rock and roll band of all time. |
75 |
Name a famous professional athlete that seems superhuman. |
71 |
Name something in a sporting goods store that's hard to steal by putting it down your pants. |
71 |
A dentist would charge you double if you had big teeth like what animal? |
71 |
Knowing your luck, if you're reincarnated as an animal, it would be what kind of animal? |
65 |
What would you hate your lover to say your bottom feels like when they squeeze it? |
62 |
Name an animal that would never be the name of a sports car. |
61 |