When you're on the road and you look into the car next to you, what is the driver usually doing? |
Name something in your house with four legs. |
Name something specific that keeps a race car driver from injury. |
Name a part of the body men put cologne on. |
Name something a woman might consider trading with her best friend for one day. |
Real or fictional, name a famous Simpson. |
If an angry dog was chasing you, what would you do? |
Name something that people jump into. |
Name a kind of place where men sit around and discuss sports. |
Name something you read every day without fail. |
Name a way eggs are prepared that could also describe a person. |
Name something people ask for when they wake up with a hangover. |
Name a famous Ruth. |
Give me a person's name that rhymes with "Larry." |
Name something kids do these days instead of reading. |
Name something your body has that starts with the letter "L." |
Name something that expires. |
Name a word that rhymes with "tricky." |
Name an occupation that begins with the letter "J." |
Name something in America that's a lot dirtier than it used to be. |
Name a place where you get chewed out a lot. |
Name something people do on their hands and knees. |
When toddlers feed themselves, where does most of the food go? |
What is a surefire way to liven up a dull party? |
Name a title of royalty that is also a name for a dog. |
Give me a word that rhymes with "candy." |
Name something associated with The Three Musketeers. |
Name an excuse for lateness that bosses get sick of hearing. |
Name something you'd skip if you were late for work. |
Name something people do while driving that causes auto accidents. |
Name something that is soft, warm, and costs lots of money. |
Name the person you feel most guilty lying to. |
Name a reason why a person might not want to take a date back to their house. |
Name a famous "Carey." |
Name something gorillas do all day. |
Name something people are born with a talent for. |
Name an action star whose muscles have muscles. |
Name someplace men go only because women make them. |
Name something Jennifer Lopez does at least once a year. |
Name something a woman does a lot more if she's pregnant. |
Give me a part of your body that never stops growing. |
Tell me something most men think they can't live without. |
Name something that's really, really hairy. |
Name something specific about a woman that gives her her own style. |
Name a kind of target kids try to hit with snowballs. |
Name something you do to help fall asleep on a hot summer night. |
Name the place where you do most of your singing. |
We surveyed 100 men... Even if it's for just one day, name something Hugh Hefner has that you'd like to have. |
When you count your blessings, name a blessing you count. |
Name something people keep putting off. |
Tell me a man's first name that begins with the letter "W." |
Name something that might be hard to start. |
After finally moving the couch for the first time in ten years, name something you might find underneath it. |
Name a famous musical family. |
Name a part of a car that thieves often steal. |
Name a children's story or rhyme with the word "little" in the title. |
Name the first thing you think of doing on a rainy day. |
Name a place where people would notice if you came in late. |
Name a celebrity who's famous for his or her nose. |
While driving, name something you rubberneck to look at. |
Give me a word that rhymes with "sound." |
If a millionaire loses his money, name something else he might lose. |
Name something that people spread. |
Name something that you might find on your car windshield. |
Name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in. |
Tell me something people crack. |
Tell me something parents blame for their kids' bad behavior. |
We surveyed 100 men... Name something specific no one can do as well as your mother could. |
Name something that people pull up. |
Name a farm animal a turkey might imitate to escape being eaten at Thanksgiving. |
Name a famous Dan or Danny. |
Name an activity which requires body contact. |
Name a country where they seem to hate Americans. |
Name a famous Willie. |
Name something a husband does more of if his wife works. |
Name an occupation where laughing on the job would be considered rude. |
Name an animal some people look like when they pucker up for a kiss. |
Name something you think there's just too much of on TV. |
Name a phrase that begins with the words, "Top of the..." |
Name a glamorous department store. |
Name something in Las Vegas that starts with the letter "C." |
Name something you use your index finger for. |
Tell me one thing people know about Shrek. |
We surveyed 100 11-year-olds... Tell me a prank that kids pull on Halloween. |
Name something that happens during most church services. |
What's the first thing you want when you don't feel well? |
Name something men hate losing. |
Name a possession of yours they'd never try to bury you with. |
Name a public place where you've witnessed couples fighting and making a scene. |
Tell me something that a woman might not want to reveal about herself to her date. |
Name a famous person, living or dead, whose last name is Collins. |
Name a specific food or drink that is most responsible for the size of your belly. |
A song might be a hit. Name something else that might be a hit. |
Name something people get stuck in. |
Name the glue that holds most marriages together. |
Name something that might get bigger the older a person becomes. |
Give me another word for "desire." |
In your opinion, what occupation has the most masculine men? |
Name something parents and teens have huge power struggles about. |
Name something people put their fingers in their mouth to do. |
Name something that ties you down. |
Name something a woman fixes. |
Name a food or drink that contains the word "hot." |
Name a kind of place you'd hate to be hearing people's cell phone go off. |
Name something women do a lot of that starts with the letter "C." |
Which animal's temperament is closest to your own? |
Name something you waited for that was worth the wait. |
Name a kind of car that has "speeding ticket" written all over it. |
We surveyed 100 married women... Name something that tires out your husband. |
Name something Hawaii has more of than any other state. |
Name something that some people do clothed that others do in the nude. |
Name something of yours that's getting older and looks it. |
Name something you'd expect to see inside a police car. |
Name something you don't like to share, even with your spouse. |
Name a country with a history of seafaring men. |
Name a kind of place you feel better leaving than going. |
Tell me something that often doesn't start when it's supposed to. |
Name something people from Texas brag about. |
Name something a friend might do in your car that would irritate you. |
Name something you have that you hope someday to get rid of. |
Name a bird that makes a lot of noise. |
Name a kind of place where everyone always seems to be in a hurry. |
Name a specific place where you'd hate to be when there's a major power failure. |
Name something people do even though there's a sign that tells them not to. |
Name something women think about more than men think about. |
Something you have that makes you feel more secure. |
Name something people always claim theirs is better. |
Name something that makes a dress sexy. |
Name something people roll up. |
Name a game little boys play that they don't want girls to join in. |
Name a country that you still feel it's safe to travel to. |
Name a magazine that gives people tips on improving their sex life. |
Name a state that probably has more cows than people. |
Name an animal that best describes your boss. |
Name something you remember doing by yourself for the first time. |
Give me a word or expression that starts with "double." |
We surveyed 100 men... Name something some women do way too fast. |
We surveyed 100 women... If you wanted to drive your husband crazy, name something of his you might hide. |
Name a specific activity that beginners always look funny doing. |
Name something you have that you wish worked better. |
Name something you do that you don't want to do in a hurry. |