Name something teachers threaten to do when a class is misbehaving. |
Name a possession men like to boast about having. |
Name an Olympic sport that starts with the letter "S." |
Name something a girl might do to her ex-boyfriend's car as revenge. |
Name something working women spend more money on than housewives. |
Name a place where kids always complain about having to go. |
Name something many people have that's fake. |
We surveyed 100 married women... Besides yourself, name someone who spends a lot of time with your husband. |
Name something a NASCAR driver might do right before a race. |
Name something it should be against the law for people to do in cars. |
Name something people take out. |
Name something a cowboy might ride if he lost his horse. |
Name an activity you see people doing in their backyard. |
Name a hygiene product a man might not use when on a camping trip. |
Give me something that you would hate to see when you return to your parked car. |
Name a job that involves telling people bad news. |
Name something superstitious people think is bad luck. |
Name something people buy to prepare for hurricanes. |
Name an animal that's easy to imitate in charades. |
Name something people go outside to do in their pajamas. |
We surveyed 100 women... What do you think is really the best way to a man's heart? |
We surveyed 100 men... Name something you've learned the hard way to never criticize a woman about. |
Name a way that you can tell your dog is sick. |
Something people deliver for a living. |
Name a kind of place where you hate to be seated next to a screaming baby. |
Name something you see in a restaurant that tells you its health standards are below par. |
Name a state that's too cold for a nudist to live. |
Name something you wish you could trade in for a new one. |
Name a reason you might go without TV for a week. |
Name something many people plan to do someday but few ever do. |
Name a country that makes the best beer. |
Name something you'd expect to find in the home of a man who thinks he's macho. |
Name something children do when they fight that adults also do when they fight. |
Pretend you're psychic and tell me whose divorce you think you'll be reading about next year. |
When mom's away, name something dad serves kids for dinner. |
Name something you sometimes forget to do before you hop into bed. |
Name something some people postpone doing for as long as possible. |
Something you hear on the news that there's a shortage of. |
Name something that most people get more of the older they get. |
Name something most people don't replace until it dies. |
Give me a name that rhymes with "Ray." |
When it comes to appearance, name something women only do because men want them to. |
Name something you would do to prepare for a game of strip poker. |
Which celebrity wins the award for most plastic surgeries? |
Name a gift that's hard to return. |
We surveyed 100 men... Name something you put on to be sexy. |
Name something that shakes. |
Name a reaction someone might have if they got really scared. |
We surveyed 100 married men... Name something of yours you hide so your wife won't use it. |
Name something people jump. |
Name something you'd hate to be on when it breaks down. |
Name the first thing you do at home when returning from a long vacation. |
Name something people depend on for protection. |
Name something some people fear that starts with the letter "S." |
Name an animal your mate sounds like when he or she snores. |
Name something people say they're on. |
Name something about himself that a man might avoid telling a date. |
Name something you've accidentally run over with your lawn mower. |
Name an occupation you'd like to have in the family. |
Tell me a public place that's perfect for people watching. |
Name something that's difficult to do on a turbulent air flight. |
What would be the worst thing to have stolen from you? |
Name something you might say someone's body is shaped like. |
Name something a man hates to hear his wife tell him she wants. |
Name something specific that some women wear and some don't. |
Tell me something that starts with "Hit the..." |