People can spend years looking for the perfect what? |
Name something specific that has an anchor. |
Name something that gets stale. |
Name something a person with a really long tongue might be able to touch on their face. |
On what day of the week is it hardest to get out of bed? |
Name something a person might be struck by. |
The boss in the family is the one who controls what? |
Name something that might be on the rocks. |
Name something you own that might get repossessed. |
Name a reason your car insurance rates go up. |
Name something that a person who just got divorced might be hesitant to do. |
Which animal communicates best with humans? |
Who's usually the winner in a divorce: the husband, the wife, or the lawyer? |
Name something people serve instead of turkey at Thanksgiving. |
What's something a young couple argues about the most in their first year of marriage? |
Name a holiday that honors the great American pastime of shopping. |
Name some information about your future you wouldn't want to know. |
Name a child's activity at which parents show up for moral support. |
Which college is the hardest to get into? |
Name something that can ruin a mailman's day. |
Name something you don't like people doing in your car. |
What might you be talking about if you used the word "boxers"? |
If you received $1,000 too much for an income tax refund, what would you do? |
What's something people can get away with if they have a really good lawyer? |
Besides Arkansas, tell me a state that begins with the letter "A." |
Name a city known for its pizza. |
Name a state where you'd expect to find cactus. |
What reason do husbands usually give for coming home late? |
Name an occupation whose members could literally say their job stinks. |
We surveyed 100 men... Which do you care most about: sex, money, or sports? |
We surveyed 100 men... Which actress has the most kissable lips? |
Give me a state that starts with "W." |