Name something people often steal from the office to use at home. |
Name a reason why a person might turn down a job. |
We surveyed 100 married women... What do moms really want for Mother's Day? |
What might you do right after your boss says, "You're fired"? |
We surveyed 100 women... Name a sport you'd only watch if the players were naked. |
Real or not, name someone famous named José. |
Name something some men wear and some men don't. |
Name an occupation that gets hit on by bored housewives. |
Tell me something of yours that you swear is possessed. |
Name something a wife tells her husband to get rid of. |
We surveyed 100 single women... Tell me something you have that has lasted longer than most of your relationships. |
What do most women expect most men to be really bad at? |